Tag Archives: Nutrient dense foods

New Motivation!

So I’ve been extra inspired lately to create new and hearty raw vegan dishes. I know a lot of my clients have major challenges to get all family members to the table eating the same dish. Some are raw, some are vegan and some are not vegetarian at all! So the timing is perfect to go on this journey with you. 

My husband has been vegan for two years and loves raw cuisine. Everyone seems to have their own path and progression and it’s been awesome seeing him raised from a parent that grew up on a dairy farm, to vegetarian, to vegan and now raw vegan! He would eat everything that was raw but still craved his morning coffee and an occasional vegan pizza. Realizing the need for a nutritional overhaul, he made the commitment to be 100% raw before doing a juice feast. Such a exciting day here! 

Nutrition and lifestyle is such a personal thing and I have found that supporting your loved ones and attempting to sneak them a raw snack here and there works wonders. Leading by example and no judgement works amazingly. With all this being said, it has pushed my creativity into overdrive and thinking outside the box to support his journey. 

I am looking forward in sharing with you new recipes and I encourage you to share your story on my blog as you may help or inspire someone else. After all, there is no wrong or right way to be raw, you’re on my site taking that first step and we are happy to support you! Have a wonderful day. 

Eat for your health, because you are worth it!-