Category Archives: How to

How to open a Thai coconut & harvest the meat

Coconuts are to the “raw” food industry as potatoes are to the cooked food industry, a necessity and labor intensive. So roll your sleeves up, be ready to make a mess and lets harvest some coconuts!

Step 1

I got two cases= 18 coconuts

You also will typically be given a case discount, so keep that in mind when shopping.


Step 2

Use the back/ bottom  portion of your cleaver blade to hit the coconut. Be sure to keep your left hand (or right) out of harms way of your yielding cleaver.

I dare you not to sneak a glass 🙂


Step 3

Once water is drained (through a stainer) use your knife to hit the coconut in the middle. Once your knife has a good grip in the coconut, use the coconut with cleaver attached to strike the cutting board as one unit . Usually three hits will split the coconut down the middle.


Step 4

Let’s take a moment to sit and marvel at all your hard work! Once you have all the coconut meat, you now need to clean it by removing all the inner husk. I know, NO fun! I use a small off set spatula and a bowl of water to clean off all the unwanted husk.


Step 5

Measure out, label, date, and separate by size into freezer bags. Now you will be ready for all your delicious holiday recipes!


Step 6

You’re not done yet! Let’s not forget about all that yummy fresh coconut water. Date, measure out, and freeze in freezer safe bags for your smoothies and other amazing raw recipes.


As always, be sure to share your raw creations with your loved ones. Happy Holidays!!!